Self-Care during Pregnancy: Nurturing Your Well-being with Janitri's Support

Oct 109 min read


Table of Content

Importance of Self-Care During Pregnancy
Janitri as a Trusted Partner in Maternal Care 
Understanding Self-Care during Pregnancy 
The significance of prioritising maternal well-being 
Benefits of practising self-care for both the mother and baby
Key Components of Pregnancy Self-Care 
A. Physical Self-Care 
B. Emotional Self-Care 
C. Mental Self-Care 
D. Social Self-Care
Janitiri’s Pregnancy and Fetal Monitoring Solutions

Self-care during pregnancy is paramount, nurturing both body and soul as new life takes form. Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with immense emotions in a woman's life. Women cherish and go through different emotional, mental and physical changes. Therefore, it is important to self-care to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. 

Importance of Self-Care During Pregnancy

Engaging in regular exercise, maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet, and getting adequate rest promote a healthy pregnancy. Managing stress and seeking emotional support can help reduce potential complications and enhance the overall pregnancy experience. 

By prioritising self-care, pregnant women can foster a positive environment for their own health and their unborn child.

Janitri as a Trusted Partner in Maternal Care 

During labour and delivery, mothers and newborns face a higher risk of death. This is often due to inadequate monitoring or neglecting important factors like Fetal Heart Rate, Uterine Contraction and Maternal Heart Rate monitoring.

Hence, Janitri was established in 2016, with a vision to see a world where no mother or baby dies during pregnancy, delivery, or post-delivery. 

Our mission is to develop sustainable, innovative, affordable and easy-to-use vitals monitoring wearables and applications to monitor 1000 days journey of pregnancy, labour and newborn.

We offer medical-grade fetal and maternal monitoring solutions to use at hospitals or homes. Backed by clinical research & patented technology to ensure safety and accuracy.

The blog will discuss why pregnancy self-care is important and how Janitri’s material care contributes to women’s and child’s safe journey throughout and after pregnancy.  

Understanding Self-Care during Pregnancy 

Self-care during pregnancy refers to the practice of taking proactive steps to care for oneself physically, emotionally, and mentally throughout. It's essential to remember that every pregnancy is unique, and what works for one person may not be the best for another. Therefore, pregnant individuals should listen to their bodies, consult with healthcare professionals, and tailor their self-care routines to meet their specific needs and circumstances.

The significance of prioritising maternal well-being 

Material well-being impacts the baby’s development during pregnancy and after birth. It involves making intentional choices to prioritise the well-being of the expectant mother and her developing baby.

Mothers often suffer from postpartum depression which significantly impacts the bonding between the mother and the child. According to statistics, postpartum depression occurs in about 6.5% to 20% of women. So, self-care should begin with the initial phases of pregnancy. 

Benefits of practising self-care for both the mother and baby

Having pregnancy self-care routines may help mothers to care for themselves and their babies. When the mother is healthy, the baby growing inside the womb will be healthy. 

Self-care tips during pregnancy promote:

  • Physical health and emotional well-being 
  • Positive bonding between the mother and her unborn child 
  • Creating a nurturing environment for their growing baby
  • Setting the foundation for a healthier pregnancy
  • Potentially influencing the child's well-being beyond birth.

Key Components of Pregnancy Self-Care 

You glow when you are healthy, and the secret to your glow is nothing, but your physical, mental, and emotional self-care. Pregnancy Self-care benefits your physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being. 

A. Physical Self-Care 

Maintaining a Healthy Diet: Your diet should include vitamins, and minerals, high in healthy fats and proteins, while low in trans fats, carbohydrates, and sugar. Eat lots of veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains. Stay hydrated to avoid the risk of urinary tract infection. Connect with your doctor for more detailed diet information. 

Regular Exercises: Exercises are stress busters. If doctors advise you, then you should follow a regular exercise routine. Take a walk for 30 minutes, along with some yoga or stretching. By being active, you can lower the risks of pregnancy complications, and discomfort, improve your energy level and alleviate pain. Physical exercises also help prepare your body for giving birth.

Tips for managing pregnancy symptoms and discomforts 

The body goes through numerous changes during pregnancy, resulting in physical discomfort. How can you manage them? Let’s find out. 

  • Nausea and Vomiting: Eat easy-to-digest food like rice, bread, cereal, or bread rich in carbohydrates.
  • Breast Tenderness: Wear a comfortable and good support bra as breast size increases during the first three months causing breast tenderness. 
  • Leg Cramps: You might face thigh or calf cramps, especially at night. You may increase your intake of calcium after consulting your doctor. Or try to stretch your heel pointed to relieve the cramps, not your toes. 
  • Backache: It is common for expecting mothers to have lower back pain due to shifts in posture and weight in front. To alleviate pain, you should avoid standing in one position for too long and perform pelvic rock exercises to strengthen your lower back muscles. 

B. Emotional Self-Care 

Addressing mood swings and emotional changes 

Expecting mothers experience hormonal changes due to dramatic and sudden rises in progesterone and oestrogen levels. They help the fetus grow but also trigger the mood. 

Mothers should engage in pregnancy emotional self-care activities such as relaxation techniques, meditation or seeking emotional support. It helps manage stress and promote emotional well-being.  

Coping strategies for stress and anxiety 

Practising pregnancy, wellness, self-care and managing stress during pregnancy can positively impact the baby's development, as excessive stress may have adverse effects on the fetus.

Try the following coping tips to manage stress and anxiety during pregnancy:

  • Take deep breaths to intake extra oxygen and focus on your breath only. It will help your brain, body, and muscles relax
  • Talk to your partner, close friend, or family member to support you through the journey
  • Try meditation, acupuncture, and massage therapy to help your body release endorphins
  • Start your pregnancy journal and record your emotions throughout the pregnancy. It helps you understand your emotions rather than feeling anxious

C. Mental Self-Care 

Encouraging positive thinking and mindfulness 

Mother's mental health impacts the baby’s growth and development during pregnancy and birth. The stress hormones can affect fetus development and may result in development delays, low birth weight, and preterm birth. Therefore, it is important to prioritise pregnancy mental well-being and seek support when needed. 

Practising positive thinking and mindfulness helps mothers acknowledge their pregnancy and focus on the positive aspects of their journey.

Managing pregnancy-related fears and uncertainties 

Expecting mothers usually suffer from worries and apprehensions during pregnancy. 

  • Fear of having a miscarriage: The idea of having a baby is overwhelming, and women fear losing their baby as miscarriage is quite common. Also, if women have experienced it before, they develop severe fear. To reduce stress and anxiety, mothers should focus on their health and try relaxation exercises. 
  • Fear of giving birth: Pregnant women fear childbirth due to labour pain and hearing stories of childbirth from family members or friends. To manage the fear, you should learn about the birth process and get your questions answered by your doctor. Take prenatal classes and read positive and inspiring birth stories.  
  • Fear of not getting the pre-body back: Your body goes through a lot of changes affecting your physical appearance as you gain weight. It might be unsettling for you, but you should accept your body and be kind to enjoy the pregnancy process. 
  • Fear of not being a good parent: Expecting mothers usually worry that they will not care for or love their unborn child enough after they are born. Or, are they even ready to take responsibility? However, a mother develops a close bond with their baby during pregnancy, and their relationship will gradually develop once the child is born. You can still seek support from your partner and family members initially after the baby is born. 
  • Fear of leaving your career behind: Motherhood may bring some changes in your career trajectory, but it’s up to you to decide what you want to do. It’s a personal decision to work after giving birth or devote yourself to your baby. There is no right or wrong in this. 

Self-care during pregnancy helps manage the fear to an extent and induces positive thinking. 

D. Social Self-Care

Social support helps expecting mothers manage the fear of anxiety and uncertainty. It will reduce stress, and risk of birth complications, and improve physical health. 

If you have support during your pregnancy, you will feel a sense of emotional comfort, and reassurance. You will be able to adjust and deal with emotional and physical changes. 

Some useful tips for open communication with loved ones about needs and boundaries

  • Reach out to your close ones: We shouldn’t always expect people to know when we are struggling. They don’t always know, and that's where you have to reach out to them and let them know they are needed. 
  • Learn new hobbies: It’s time you indulge in something new that keeps you happy and enjoy doing it. Join an art club or a book club, and find activities that aren’t pregnancy related but may help you find people sharing similar interests or going through the same journey. 
  • Join antenatal groups: You will meet other pregnant women and get a lot of pregnancy support, whether it is emotional or practical throughout your pregnancy journey. 


Janitri's Role in Enhancing Pregnancy Self-Care

Janitri’s Vaarta for mothers is a platform dedicated to enhancing pregnancy self-care and providing valuable support to expectant mothers. With a focus on holistic well-being, Janitri offers a range of products and services tailored to the unique needs of pregnant women. Their mission is to save lives at birth and reduce mother and infant mortality rates.

Janitiri’s Pregnancy and Fetal Monitoring Solutions For Mothers

Janitri's advanced fetal monitoring devices and software solution help expectant mothers keep track of their baby's movements and well-being, providing peace of mind throughout their pregnancy.

Janitri's fetal monitoring solutions are designed to ensure expectant mothers have a deeper connection with their babies and stay informed about their baby's well-being. These solutions provide:

Baby Kicks tracking app: The app features a baby kicks counter, allowing mothers to track baby kicks movements and identify any changes or irregularities. This helps in identifying potential issues early on and to seek medical attention if needed.

Fetal Heartbeat Monitor: Janitri offers a pocket-sized smart fetal doppler that allows mothers to listen to their baby's heartbeat from the comfort of their home, fostering a sense of closeness and reassurance.

Personal Stories: Mothers Embracing Self-Care with Janitri 

Janitri’s vision is to provide every support and care they need during their pregnancy so they can have a healthy pregnancy and deliver a healthy baby. Women have used Janitri’s product and found it quite helpful. 

Read what the pregnant women have to say about Janitri:

 "Janitri has been a true lifesaver throughout my pregnancy. Their personalised care plans and constant support helped me feel more confident and less anxious about the whole journey. The tools are wireless, and I was comfortable while the monitor allowed me to stay calm and centred during the ups and downs. Thanks to Janitri, I had a healthier and happier pregnancy experience." -  Hema

"I can't thank Janitri enough for their amazing tools and resources. As a busy working mom, I often struggled to find time for self-care, but Janitri made it so easy. I learned the importance of taking care of myself and positively impacted my baby's development too. I recommend Janitri to all moms-to-be!" - Sujata

"Janitri's expert guidance and personalised care were the support I needed during my pregnancy journey. Their team of professionals answered all my questions and made me feel like I wasn't alone in this journey. I felt stronger and more prepared for labour and motherhood, all thanks to Janitri." - Rama