How to Know Your Baby is Doing Fine in the Womb?

Mar 811 min read


Table of Content

Early Signs of a Healthy Pregnancy
Confirmation of Pregnancy
Normal Fetal Development Stages
Early Symptoms of a Healthy Pregnancy
Importance of Regular Prenatal Check-ups
Why Prenatal Care?
Frequency of Visits to the Doctor throughout Pregnancy
Routine Tests and Monitoring
Monitoring Fetal Heartbeat 
Importance of Monitoring the Baby's Heartbeat
Methods of Monitoring Fetal Heartbeat at Home
Regular Monitoring During Prenatal Check-ups
Recognizing Potential Warning Signs
What to Do in Emergency Situations 
a) How can I tell if my baby is healthy in the womb?
b) When should I start feeling my baby move, and how often should I feel movements?
c) What is considered a normal fetal heartbeat, and how can I monitor it at home?
d) How often should I go for prenatal check-ups, and what do they involve?
e) How can I monitor my baby’s heartbeat?

How’s your baby doing in your womb? You can only know the answer once you visit your doctor and get the checkup done. But, how do you know how your baby is doing while you are at home?

Monitoring your baby's well-being in the womb is a crucial aspect of prenatal care to ensure a healthy pregnancy journey for both the mother and the baby. 

Early pregnancy is characterised by profound physiological changes since the developing foetus is totally dependent on the mother's body for support and safety. The most important metrics for tracking a fetus's health are its growth, heart rate, and mobility, which offer important clues about the fetus's general development and health.

The blog will discuss how a mom-to-be can understand the signs of a healthy pregnancy and also what warning signs she should be mindful of.  

Early Signs of a Healthy Pregnancy

The early signs of a healthy pregnancy, such as consistent energy levels and mild discomfort, provide valuable insights into the well-being of both the mother and the growing fetus.

Confirmation of Pregnancy

Have you confirmed your pregnancy? The first step towards a healthy pregnancy is the confirmation which can be done via various methods. 

  • Home Pregnancy Test
  • A positive result on a home pregnancy test is the first indication for many women that they are pregnant. It detects the presence of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine.
  • Home pregnancy tests are widely available in the market at affordable prices to provide quick confirmation of pregnancy.
  • Blood Tests
  • Healthcare professionals may conduct blood tests to measure human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels more precisely, to confirm pregnancy and estimate the gestational age.
  • Blood tests also help identify potential complications, such as ectopic pregnancies.
  • Clinical Examination
  • Many healthcare providers may perform a pelvic exam and assessment of the cervix to further confirm pregnancy. It also helps in identifying any kind of abnormalities.

Normal Fetal Development Stages

How can you track the growth of your baby inside the womb? Tracking normal fetal development stages help expectant parents and healthcare professionals to understand the baby's growth, how well the organs have formed and other crucial developmental stages throughout the pregnancy.

  • Embryonic Stage
  • Weeks 1-8 mark the embryonic stage, where major organs and systems begin to form.
  • By the end of the embryonic stage, the heart begins beating, and the basic structure of the brain, spinal cord, and limbs is established.
  • Fetal Stage
  • Week 9 onwards constitutes the fetal stage, characterised by rapid growth and organ systems formation.
  • The formation of facial features, limbs, and the development of vital organs like the lungs and kidneys constitute the fetal development at this stage
  • Fetal Movement
  • Around weeks 18-25, mothers may start to feel fetal movements that indicate the baby's increasing muscle strength and neurological development.
  • Consistent and appropriate fetal movements are positive indicators of a healthy pregnancy.

Early Symptoms of a Healthy Pregnancy

In the beginning of the pregnancy, the expectant mothers face a lot of physical discomfort which align with the symptoms of a healthy pregnancy. What are those early symptom? Let’s find out. 

  • Mild or infrequent Morning Sickness:
  • Minimal morning sickness, followed by nausea and vomiting. 
  • Steady Weight Gain:
  • Gradual and steady weight gain within recommended guidelines (1.5 to 16 kilograms) is a positive sign of a healthy pregnancy.
  • Healthy weight gain provides the nutritional needs to the developing fetus contributing to a smoother pregnancy journey.
  • Normal Blood Pressure:
  • Stable blood pressure within the normal range is indicative of a healthy cardiovascular system, benefiting both the mother and the developing baby.
  • Any readings above 140/90 mm Hg in pregnancy indicates high blood pressure.
  • Consistent Hormone Levels:
  • Hormone levels, such as progesterone and estrogen, play a crucial role in sustaining a healthy pregnancy.
  • Monitoring and maintaining appropriate hormone levels contribute to the proper development of the placenta and the overall well-being of the fetus.
  • Positive Emotional Well-Being:

Importance of Regular Prenatal Check-ups

Apart from taking care of you and your baby at home, it’s also important to get regular prenatal checkups to monitor your and your baby’s well-being. 

Why Prenatal Care?

Prenatal care promotes a healthy pregnancy as it helps to reduce the risk of complications, and provide timely interventions to support the well-being of both the expectant mother and the fetus.

  • Early Detection of Issues:
  • Regular prenatal check-ups allow healthcare professionals to monitor the progress of pregnancy and detect potential complications early.
  • Early identification of complications enhances the chances of successful intervention and positive outcomes for both the mother and the baby.
  • Healthy Lifestyle During Pregnancy
  • This may include proper nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle choices to maintain the well-being of both the mother and the developing baby.
  • Education and Counseling
  • Prenatal check-ups offer a platform for educating expectant mothers about the various stages of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care.
  • Counseling on emotional well-being, breastfeeding, and newborn care also plays a crucial role in preparing mothers for a positive pregnancy experience.
  • Management of Pre-existing Conditions
  • For women with pre-existing health conditions, regular prenatal care enables healthcare providers to manage these conditions effectively during pregnancy.
  • Adjustments to medications and close monitoring help ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy.

Frequency of Visits to the Doctor throughout Pregnancy

It’s crucial to know how many times you will have to get checkups (pregnancy trimesters) based on your gestational age so that potential complications and abnormalities can be detected while guidance to maintain overall well-being can be provided. 

  • First Trimester
  • Initial prenatal visits are often scheduled early in the first trimester, typically around 8 to 12 weeks of gestation.
  • Early visits focus on confirming the pregnancy, assessing overall health, and scheduling  for future monitoring.
  • Second Trimester
  • Visits become more frequent during the second trimester, occurring approximately every 4 weeks.
  • At this stage, doctors began to monitor fetal growth, check for abnormalities and any other concern that may emerge.
  • Third Trimester
  • In the final trimester, visits may be scheduled every 2 to 3 weeks until the last month when they become weekly.
  • At this stage, doctors closely monitor the mother's and baby's well-being as delivery approaches.
  • High-Risk Pregnancies:
  • Women with high-risk pregnancies, such as those with multiple gestations, high blood pressure, complications or pre-existing conditions, may require more frequent check-ups throughout all trimesters.

Routine Tests and Monitoring

Routine tests and monitoring help healthcare providers to understand the health of both the mother and the baby to identify and address any potential risks or complications promptly.

  • Blood Pressure Monitoring: High blood pressure or hypertension is common in pregnancy, therefore, regular checks of blood pressure is important. If left untreated, it can lead to complications.
  • Blood Tests: Routine blood tests assessing iron levels, blood count, and blood sugar help identify and manage potential deficiencies or underlying conditions.
  • Ultrasound Scans: Ultrasound scans are routinely performed to monitor fetal development, confirm gestational age, and identify any structural abnormalities.
  • Genetic Testing: Depending on individual risk factors and preferences, genetic testing may be offered to screen for chromosomal abnormalities.
  • Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring: Monitoring fetal heart rate ensures the baby is receiving adequate oxygen and nutrients.

Monitoring Fetal Heartbeat 

Keeping a close eye on the baby's heartbeat is a fundamental aspect of prenatal care, offering valuable insights into fetal well-being.

Importance of Monitoring the Baby's Heartbeat

Monitoring the baby's heartbeat is crucial as it provides real-time information about the fetal development, aiding in early detection of potential issues and ensuring a healthy pregnancy.

  • Indicator of Fetal Well-Being
  • The baby's heartbeat is a crucial indicator of fetal well-being and health.
  • Monitoring the heartbeat helps healthcare professionals to evaluate that the baby is getting enough nutrients and oxygen.
  • Early Detection of Issues
  • Fluctuations in the fetal heart rate can be early signs of potential complications or distress.
  • Regular monitoring allows for the prompt identification of issues, enabling timely intervention to address concerns and understand the outcomes.
  • Assurance for Parents
  • Hearing the baby's heartbeat provides emotional satisfaction to expectant parents.
  • The rhythmic sound serves as a comforting sign of the baby's well-being.

Methods of Monitoring Fetal Heartbeat at Home

There are various ways to monitor fetal heartbeat at home, such as fetal dopplers and smartphone applications. The maternal healthcare market is filled with fetal dopplers. But, the question is which fetal doppler is safe to use at home? Here is a solution:

  • Fetal Doppler Devices
  • Handheld Doppler devices are commonly used at home to listen to the baby's heartbeat.
  • These portable devices use ultrasound technology to detect the fetal heartbeat, allowing parents to listen to it. Keyar Echo is a smart handheld fetal doppler allowing parents to monitor the baby’s heartbeat, record it and save it to share with doctors and loved ones.  
  • Smartphone Applications:
  • Some smartphone applications make use of the phone's microphone to detect and record the fetal heartbeat.
  • These apps often provide additional features such as recording and sharing the heartbeat with family and friends. Janitri: for Mothers application when connected with the device Keyar Echo lets you record, save, and share the heartbeat of your baby with doctors or loved ones. 

Regular Monitoring During Prenatal Check-ups

During prenatal check-ups, doctors will always monitor the baby's heartbeat. It is an indicator of fetal health and well-being to identify if there are any abnormalities, so that timely interventions can save the baby and the mother.

Healthcare professionals use Doppler ultrasound during prenatal check-ups to monitor the baby's heartbeat directly. This non-invasive technique allows for precise assessment of the fetal heart rate, rhythm, and any potential abnormalities. 

Having a fetal doppler from a trusted site will let you monitor your baby’s well-being anytime, anywhere and give you a peace of mind. Keyar Echo is a medical grade device that can be used in hospitals and by doctors to monitor a baby's heartbeat. Many hospitals and gynaecologist clinics own this device. 

Recognizing Potential Warning Signs

In pregnancy, it is important that you address any possible signs which might indicate a threat to the baby in your womb. Below are some of the most common warning signs that may indicate a potential complication and require immediate medical attention. 

  • Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding: If you find spotting or heavy bleeding, it can be a sign of placenta issues or miscarriage. Any unexplained readings required prompt attention from healthcare providers.
  • Severe Abdominal Pain: Intense abdominal pain accompanied by cramping, may be an indicator of ectopic pregnancy or placental abruption. If the pain is persistent or becomes severe, consult your healthcare provider.
  • Sudden Swelling: If there is sudden or rapid swelling in hands, legs, or face can be a sign of preeclampsia. 
  • Decreased Fetal Movement: A significant decrease in fetal movement in the later stages of pregnancy may indicate fetal distress.
  • High Fever: A high fever during pregnancy accompanied by other symptoms could be a sign of infection.

What to Do in Emergency Situations 

Whether it’s your first pregnancy or second, it is important to be prepared for any emergency situation. As an expectant parent, you should have knowledge of what to do in emergency situations for the well-being of mother and baby. 

  • Severe Bleeding: If you are experiencing severe bleeding, try to apply pressure to the area and seek immediate emergency medical attention. It is normal to stress and panic in the situation, however, it is important to stay calm to manage the situation until you reach hospital or medical care arrives. 
  • Loss of Consciousness: Immediately call for emergency if the expectant mother is unconscious. While the medical care arrives, help the mother to lie in a safe position, make sure there is enough ventilation and give CPR, if necessary.
  • Seizures: If it’s a case of seizures, immediate medical attention is required. In the meantime, protect their head and clear the area around the person. 
  • Severe Shortness of Breath: If the mother is facing difficulty in breathing or severe shortness of breath,stay with them, keep them calm, and call for emergency assistance.

In emergency situations, quick and decisive action is crucial. 


Understanding how your baby is doing inside your womb is necessary to know your baby’s well-being. During each stage of the pregnancy, prenatal check-ups, monitoring the baby at home, proper nutrition and medical care is required and to know these things is paramount for expectant parents. 

Be prepared for emergency situations to safeguard maternal and fetal health. 

Under these considerations, regular heartbeat monitoring during pregnancy is encouraged, promoting a positive and healthy pregnancy experience. Now, that is possible with Keyar Echo, a smart handheld fetal doppler for expectant mothers to use at home. To know more about the fetal doppler, visit


a) How can I tell if my baby is healthy in the womb?

Look for consistent fetal movements, monitor your baby's heartbeat, and attend regular prenatal check-ups. These indicators can provide insights into your baby's well-being.

b) When should I start feeling my baby move, and how often should I feel movements?

Fetal movements typically begin around 18-25 weeks. Pay attention to regular patterns, and if you notice a decrease in movements, consult your healthcare provider.

c) What is considered a normal fetal heartbeat, and how can I monitor it at home?

A normal fetal heartbeat ranges between 110 and 160 beats per minute. You can monitor it at home using a fetal Doppler device, as guided by your healthcare professional.

d) How often should I go for prenatal check-ups, and what do they involve?  

Prenatal check-ups are usually scheduled monthly, becoming more frequent as the due date approaches. They include physical examinations, discussions about symptoms, and various tests and screenings.

e) How can I monitor my baby’s heartbeat?

You can monitor your baby’s heartbeat using a fetal doppler, preferably Keyar Echo which is clinically tested and safe to monitor fetal heartbeat. You can buy the product directly from the website, or click on Buy Keyar Echo.