Vaarta for Mothers

Embark on your motherhood journey with confidence through Vaarta for Mothers - your trusted companion for knowledge and support.


Yoga and Meditation for Expectant Mothers: Nurture Body & Mind

Yoga and meditation offer powerful tools for achieving this balance, promoting prenatal wellness, and supporting mindfulness during pregnancy. 

Jul 2 13 min read

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Pregnancy After Miscarriage: Navigating Emotions and Hope

Miscarriage is a deeply emotional experience, impacting individuals on both physical and psychological levels. The grief and complex emotions that often accompany this loss need to be recognised and addressed.

Jul 2 7 min read


When and How to Check Fetal Movement Counting

As an expectant mother, one of the most reassuring experiences is feeling your baby move and kick inside your womb. These tiny flutters and wiggles are not only precious moments to cherish but also vital signs of your little one's health and well-being.

Jul 2 8 min read


Pregnancy and Dental Health: Taking Care of Your Oral Hygiene

Pregnancy can bring about various oral health challenges that require special attention. Maintaining optimal oral hygiene during this time is crucial for both the mother's well-being and the baby's development.

Jul 2 8 min read


Travelling While Pregnant: Tips for Safe and Comfortable Journeys

Travelling during pregnancy can be an exciting adventure, but it requires careful planning to ensure your safety and comfort. Whether you're going on a much-needed vacation, a work trip, or visiting family, taking specific precautions is crucial to making your journey as smooth as possible.

Jul 2 10 min read


Importance Of Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring For Your Baby's Well-Being

Fetal heart rate monitoring stands as a sentinel, safeguarding the well-being of your unborn child, and providing insights vital for a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

May 30 8 min read


What Are Common Routine Tests During Pregnancy: Comprehensive Guide

Pregnancy is a wonderful experience full of expectation and excitement. One of the most important responsibilities is undergoing regular prenatal tests. These tests are crucial for the health of both the mother and the baby.

May 30 8 min read